
miyo here...
N in case you are wondering.... nope, I'm not a Japanese..
born and grew up in sunny Singapore.. ^^
So why miyo?
No reason.. the name just popped up my mind when I needed a username to sign up for forums..
N surprisingly.. it's not taken up..heh..
Else if it's taken... I'll just changed the "o" to zero (like for this blog) ^^

This is my personal blog cum collections of my translations at LKHJ. So if you are looking for news info of Hyun Joong, do head over to lovekimhyunjoong.com
This is a Kim Hyun Joong fanclub which I have co-founded with my 2 partners in crime.. ^^
On another note... since this personal blog is leaning towards kpop side.. for smap fans... please head over to loving Tokyo for any smap/v6 updates. ^^

Spending nearly 4 years in Tokyo where it has became my 2nd home.
Now back in sunny hometown slogging the life of an OL.. lol..
I tend to mix Japanese with English or Chinese... (^_^;)
所以中文也OK.... 日本語でもオッケー... lol..

Normally I'll take ages to update... cuz I do it when I have the mood...
N when I have the mood.. usually I don't have a comp at hand..
N by the time I do, I forgot what I wanna write.. ^^

Till then....


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