Goodbye to my blue eyes~
For the longest time.. I have wanting to write this down but alas.. I only write when I have the mood.. and it’s not always that when I have the mood, my comp is not with me or even if it is… the situation just isn’t right to whip it out and type.
Anyway, back to the topic…
Yeah… goodbye to my blue eyes…
Not that I have blue eyes.. though I always wished to have it… hah
Which is why I have been wearing blue contacts for the past 10 over years..
But the main reason for wearing lenses and not glasses is because I hated it whenever my glasses gets fogged
But I wore my lenses for long hours and I find that washing lenses is such a chore..
Which is why I only wash it before wearing and when after removing, I would only just chuck it into the case. *not a good example...* >_<
N we all know there is this wonderful (well.. actually not so surgery called, Lasik to solve the problem.. So after contemplating and reading up all sorts of accounts for a few years...(yes..YEARS.. lol.. cuz I was afraid and unsure..) I decided to attend a forum talk by one the clinic that I'm interested to do at.
It was just the usual explanations on how the surgery is done with and the different types of methods that are available. A free evaluation check is given for those who have attended the forum talk. I thought that is no harm since I could have a check to see if I'm eligible for the surgery or not and I could still back out if I do not want to go ahead with it.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, after the 3 over hours of evaluation check, I had decided to proceed with the surgery the following day. Well.. in fact I would have probably done it on the same day if it wasn't that my check up was in the afternoon... lol..
I couldn't stand wearing glasses for another 4 days if I were to scheduled the surgery on a later date. (For soft lens users, one has to keep it off for 3 days before the surgery)
On the following day.. I was still having doubts.. I was afraid that the surgery would not be successful.. (I'm kinda pessimistic so I think
After the routine check, I was brought to this area where the nurse asked me to change into the shoes she had prepared..
It was a pair of white *My first time wearing crocs! XD *
Then she helped me with the surgical gown and cap..*looks so unglam..>_<* then I was told to wait while seated on this comfortable big armchair with curtains drawn around it. ^^
The few minutes wait was like hours.. and when I heard the voice of the doctor saying, "Let's start in 5mins!" ... I thought my heart nearly popped out..
I was even startled when the nurse suddenly pulled the curtain aside and asked me to follow her to the operation room.
It was a big white room and I thought the room looks kinda of empty with only machines and the surgical chair in the center.
After lying down onto the chair, the nurse put some eye drops and when the doctor rotated the chair to one side, the surgery started with him explaining what he will be doing etc..
There was a slight discomfort when the doctor tried to squeeze this plastic ring shaped thingy into my eye and thereafter with some tools over the eye, you can feel the pressure on the eyeball..the next thing I knew it, I can feel tears trickling down...
After the same procedure on the other eye to cut the flap, I can feel that the chair was rotated again to the opposite side.
Was told to open my eyes that they could clamped the eyes open and preventing it from closing.. Then the doctor was like as if he was trying to hypnotise me.. he kept repeating in a soft, singing tone, "look at the blinking light..look at the blinking light.."
Else, his other line would be.."just relax..breathe in.. and out.."
I thought the interesting part was when the doctor flipped back the cornea flap.. One moment my world was dark except for that blinking light, the next, I could see the machine with that blinking light! ^^
But my happiness was shortlived when I remembered I have to go through the same whole process for my other eye.. (;一_一)
Though the whole process lasted around 15mins? I thought it felt like Once the surgery was done, I had to get off the surgical chair myself *I thought a nurse would help me but no one did!* and walked over a lil distance to let the doctor have a check on the eyes. It was comforting to hear that it was successful.. *true or not, it doesn't matters.. at that very moment, I really need to hear that! ^^*
Was led back to my big armchair and the nurse after assisting me to remove the gown and cap, she used some masking tape to tape this plastic eye cover with little holes on it over my eyes. I thought I look like a bumble bee with tape over it.. (@_@。
The amazing part was that I could already see with no blur vision but my eyes couldn't take brightness.. Even the room lightings seemed too bright and I was still tearing.. Now I know why the nurse gave me sleeping pills...
So clutching onto a goodie bag, I left the place heading straight home..
Before I reached home..I popped a sleeping pill while I was on the cab and I just knocked out when I hit the bed..
It was like magic when I woke up.. For a moment, I thought I had my lenses on.. I could see!! ^^
Usually without my glasses, my vision would be blur.. I have high myopia so it's really bad if I'm without my glasses..
It has been slightly over a month or so since the surgery..
I'm really glad that I had went ahead with it but...
It is one surgery that I would never want to go through again..^^
Frankly speaking, there's no pain, it's not horrifying and the whole procedure is pretty fast.. but.. I thought it was kind of traumatic for me..
Bear in mind that you have to be awake through out the whole surgery.. and somehow.. even till weeks later when I went back for my post check up, I happened to walk past a room and I cringed the moment I heard the ticking sound of the machines coming out from the room..
I supposed that when one can't see, their hearing tends to be more sensitive? I could never forget the sound I heard during the surgery.. lol..
Till now, there are times when I forgot that I'm not wearing lenses anymore.. When I felt that my eyes are too dry.. (one of the symptoms after lasik) I will have the thought of removing my lenses..
Or there are times when I woke up and my eyes are too dry.. and I thought that I had fell asleep without removing the lenses.. (^^ゞ
Not trying to frighten anyone with the ordeal I went through.. lol..
But I really didn't have any regrets with it.. ^^
Here's what the goodie bag contains that I brought back with me after the surgery..^^
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lotsa lubricant eye drops! (^_^;) |
I have an excuse to get a new pair of shades! heh.. *bad example again.. (^^ゞ*
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new shades!!! ♥♥♥ |