Fan Account - 5/29 Busan Fan Sign
Recently the boys are busy with the releasing of their new album..
Happened to come across a China fan's account at Busan..
the answer he gave for writing the name part caught my attention.. lol..
So I did a short simple translation into english...^^
Credits: 卡哇依瑶瑶 @baidu leader + 砂砂
English translation: miyo
Wonderful 05.29 – Busan+Daegu Fan Sign Account
29th Finally D-DAY
After continuously working for 2 days, I think I already could climb to KTX… I was lucky that I managed to reach Busan at the scheduled time.
There’s already a tent set up and they are playing the boys new songs and at this moment, all my tiredness was gone. Starting to get excited…
The fan signing session started 40~50 mins late and all the TS were sitting accordingly to the color wristband under the sun.
Getting irritated and jittery after tanning under the sun for around 2 hours but all these were gone the moment the vehicle “3254” came in, the boys had finally come!!!
It started to be chaotic, he moment the boys appeared! Can’t hear what the boys were saying at all ⊙﹏⊙。。。
Hyun Joong was in casual wear, plain short sleeved shirt, a few simple accessories on his wrist, a refreshing look! (Sorry about the other boys, I only looked at Hyun Joong)..
After a few simple greetings, the boys started the signing session~~
Hyun Joong looks like he have drawn the same colored paper as my wristband and I was going to get excited. End up, it was only “looks like”, mine was Young Saeng’s… It’s nice to get Young Saeng’s autograph but my true one is Hyun Joong ar…Just when I was worried to death..I risked my life and communicate with the Japanese ahjuma on my right in Hyun Joong’s area using hand signs—_—+ I was in the verge of tears and ahjuma was already crying… so ——10 secs later, we succeeded! We exchanged our color wristband. Oh yeah!
At around 2:50pm, the fan sign session finally started. Each of the boys had a security guard by their side. They kept urge the fans, pull the fans, drag the fans.. —_—..When it was the turn for the ahjuma in front of me, I just stood there staring at him quietly.
Hyun Joong’s dressing looked simple and sophiscated!~~ the black pin was nicely pinned at his ear side, his face looked graceful and he’s so near and just right in front of me!!!..... Suddenly I felt nervous!! Probably because I had waited so long and had a little heatstroke and on top of that I hadn’t slept for 2 days, my mind actually went blank and in a daze. So thereafter… I have no idea what I was talking about(please don’t scold me, I wanna hit myself too…)
Finally, it was my turn and the security took the album from my hands and passed to Hyun Joong… He did not looked up and while he was preparing to sign he asked softly,
“May I know what’s your name? 이름이 어떻게 되요?”
“Ahh~~~nervous~~~ 아~~~~~떨려요~~~”
Hyun Joong stopped signing suddenly and looked up, smiled and asked
“Why are you nervous? keke 왜 떨리는데요?ㅋㅋ”
“Really Oppa…So near… face so small!!! 진짜 오빠네… 이렇게 가까이…얼굴이 완전 작으세요!!”
—_—+..I have no idea why I blurted this out。。
“Thank you” and while smiling, he started signing 고마워요ㅋㅋ
“Ahh~~I’m from China, this is my name~~ 저는 중국사람인데요.이름이 여기”
I passed him the paper with my name written in Chinese and Korean wording,
“Just write in Korean is fine too. 그냥 한글로 적어주셔도 되요.”
“I’ll try. 내가 해볼게요”
Suddenly Hyun Joong looked like as if he is taking an exam, writing very seriously~~
I didn’t want him to be pressurized, so I told him,
“Don’t have to write the surname, just the name will do. 그럼 그냥 이름로 적어 주세요”
I didn’t expect our 4D Hyun Joong replied,
”But I wrote the nicest for that word. kekeke 난 그거 제일 잘하는데ㅋㅋㅋ”
Such a cute, wonderful Hyun Joong… I almost went crazy in bliss!!!
Because at Busan they do not allow to write PS, I didn’t want to make him feel difficult, so I didn’t have any other request. I only said,
“I’m from Daegu and I will return immediately. I see you later. 전 대구에서 왔어요.지금 빨리 가서 저녁에또"
After that ---------------------------Hyun Joong probably thought that I want to high five or shake hands, so he stretched out his hands automatically… Oh god!! Is this really happening? My right hand touched his hand and locked together….my tears immediately burst out.
Hyun Joong continued smiled and said,
”Don’t cry ah…. See you later 울지마요 이따 봐요”
I replied, “ok ok, see you…later..definitely!! 이따…봐요…꼭!!”。。。
Sha sha was even kind enough to share the autograph she received from him.. ^^
ps: now I know why he said that word was the nicest out of the 3 chinese words.. lol..
Original Fan account in Chinese
【29号 终于D-DAY
连续熬了两天 我几乎是爬到KTX上的。。。还好 在预计时间内到釜山了。
贤一身轻装打扮,纯色的短袖衫,手腕上简单的饰品,清爽+干练!(别的男人 对不住了 我只看了贤)。。
简单的寒暄后 男人们开始抽签了~~~
贤抽到的彩纸和我手环颜色好像,我正要兴奋,结果。。原来真的只是“好像”,我被分到的是水爷。。。。。能拿到水爷的签名是很好。。但是我本命是贤啊。。。都快急死的了情况下,我冒着生命危险 和右边贤区域的日本大妈进行纯手语的交流—_—+我急的眼泪都要下来的时候 大妈已经哭得不行了 所以——10秒后成功!我们交换了手环。哦耶!
大概2点50左右签售终于开始了。男人们每人旁边都有个保镖,一直催人、拉人、拖人的—_—..到我前面大妈签的时候 我就在那麼安静的盯着他看。
贤昨天的造型看起来简单,但是很细致!~~~耳根地方黑色的暗卡固定的恰到好处,男人那么秀气的脸,就那么近的在我面前!!!。。。。。。我突然超紧张!!可能因为等了太久 有点中暑再加上2天没睡过了,我居然不争气的脑袋全部放空,迷迷糊糊的,所以稍后的我 。。。语无伦次到极点(大家别骂我,我也很想抽自己。。。)】
【终于到我了。保全接过我手里的专辑拿给贤。。。。贤没有抬头,一边动笔准备签 一边轻声问
“请问叫什么名字呢? 이름이 어떻게 되요?”
贤突然停笔抬起头来,笑着说“为什么紧张啊?왜 떨리는데요?ㅋㅋ”
“真的是哥哥。。。那么近。。脸好小哦!!진짜 오빠네… 이렇게 가까이…얼굴이 완전 작으세요!!”
“啊~~~我是中国人,名字是这个 아~~~저는 중국사람인데요.이름이 여기”
我拿给他写有我中韩文名字的便条纸,“只写韩文也可以그냥 한글로 적어주셔도 되요.”
“我试试看吧내가 해볼게요”突然感觉贤像在考试一样,那么认真得写汉字~~
我不想他感觉负担,所以“姓不用了,只写名字就好그럼 그냥 이름로 적어 주세요”
没想到脱线的贤“但是那个是我写的最好的,哈哈 난 그거 제일 잘하는데ㅋㅋㅋ”
那么可爱 美好的贤。。我幸福的要疯了!!!!!
因为釜山不让写PS,我不想为难他,所以没有再别的要求,只说了“我从大邱来的,等会立刻回去,我们晚点再见哦전 대구에서 왔어요.지금 빨리 가서 저녁에또 봐요.”边挥手和贤北北。
然后---------------------------贤可能以为我要和他high five或者握手,所以很自然的伸出手。。。天啊!!这是真的么?我右手碰到了男人的手,而且扣在一起。。。。。我眼泪立刻狂蹦出来。
贤继续笑着说“不要哭啊 一会见咯울지마요 이따 봐요”
我“恩恩 一会。。见。。一定네네…이따…봐요…꼭!!”。。。】