Kugayama Home
Still chucking that Seoul Day1 aside..(not in the mood to finalize it..lol..)
Was surfing around the other day and suddenly I have the urge to see the place that I stayed in Japan looked like now.. Thought it be good to include a Tokyo memories before I get too old and forget about it.. ^^
It's been so long that I have forgot the address..(^^ゞ
But I do still remember my apartment name and the eki that I always go to.^^
So I'm able to trace it with the help of Google Map.. ^^
2 years spent here... Lovers Concerto II (ラバース コチェルトⅡ)
Nice name eh? lol... though my mom had hard time writing the address everytime she had to send mi something..(^^ゞ
Not very good view though... it's the one on the left of Bookoff (a secondhand bookstore which also sells CDs, DVDs, videos etc.)
Yup, I had one right beside my place and for the 2 years that I'm there, I never visited it at all.. XP
This was the 2nd place that I stayed during my time in Japan. The first was a dormitory which I can't seemed to find any pics..(@_@。
Here's a clearer one. Mine's on the 2nd level.. ^^
Remembered that the stairs are always shaky..I always wondered if it will collasped anytime but it's still going strong.. ^^ Though I always have to struggle during winter when it's covered with ice..lol..

Clicked around the streetview of Google map and managed to find a view of the other side.
That's my veranda!! Which is exactly where my room is.. lol.. The window on the right is my room mate's room. Oh, and I just realised I had the watermark on the rubbish dump area. (ーー;)
I used to sneak out in the middle of the night to throw my rubbish. ^^
In Japan, there are certain days assigned to each area for certain rubbish to be thrown. Other than the days indicated, one is not allowed to throw anything.. lol..
So... if you missed the day, you might have to wait a few days or even wait till next week in order to get rid of your rubbish..lol.. Not only that, since the rubbish collector will only come in the daytime, by right, everyone is to only take out their rubbish in the early morning and not the night before.
Eh... I confessed that I ain't a good resident..lol..as I dun wake up so early and even if I do, I prob be dashing out of the house running to catch the train and thus, I won't have the time to take out the rubbish.. lol.. (^^ゞ
I wonder if there's anyone staying there now...Did a search and saw one of the rental notice..
What caught my attention was the time written indicating the time required to walk from the apartment to the nearest train station. Over here, it wrote "18 mins by walking". I still remembered when I was browsing through at my time, it wrote "12 mins by walking". (;一_一)
Though of cuz in the end I found out it takes longer than 12 mins.. lol.. In fact, I think it might take around 20 mins or so. But as I got used to the walking, it takes 10 mins for me.. heh...
I wonder how fast I used to walk back then... ^^
Looking at the pictures, brings so much memories back..
So as I click around... I arrive at the train station...^^
Kugayama Eki(久我山駅), the station that I have been going to for 2 years. It's along the Inokashira Line(井の頭線), which heads directly to Shibuya or Kichijoji.
It used to be quite an old station till they decided to renovate it which is what you see in the picture. Though it seems to be much more different now..I suppose they prob did more renovation thereafter..
On the bottom left pic, the man is waiting for the barrier to be up.. This is where the trains will be passing by.. Not a scene one get to see over here in Singapore.^^
I used to always make for a dash even though the bell is ringing and the barrier is coming down.. lol.. Well, in fact everyone is making a dash.. Dangerous and not advisable for a first timer..XP
Was even surprise to see the supermarket by the station is still around. (bottom right pic)
The best part of it, it opens till midnight..good for those who comes home late..(like me!) heh...