
Regarding Leader Kim Hyun Joong’s contract

Some information posted on DSP Japan site on the current status.

Source: DSP Japan
Japanese Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

Regarding Leader Kim Hyun Joong’s contract

At the end of May, after the sales of NEW album 『DESTINATION』, title song “LOVE YA” activities, the contract for SS501 and DSPmedia has expired. Though the future has not be decided, KEYEAST which has artiste such as Bae Yong Joon, Lee Na Yong, Choi Gang Hee and Lee Bo Young, has officially announced that Leader Kim Hyun Joong has signed up with them.

Heo Young Saeng, Kim Kyu Jong, Park Jung Min and Kim Hyung Joon (Maknae) are still in the midst of negotiating. Kim Hyung Joon (Maknae) will still continue his activity as DJ at SBS radio Music High. Regarding Heo Young Saeng, Kim Kyu Jong and Park Jung Min activities, if possible will be announced via this homepage.

We would greatly appreciate your warm support for SS501 in future.

Source: DSP Japan
Japanese Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

Announcement from “Triple S Japan”

On 29th June 2010, KEYEAST has announced that Kim Hyun Joong (Leader) has signed on with them.
In regards to SS501’s activities. Young Saeng, Kyu Jong, Jung Min and Hyung Joon (Maknae) activities are still in the midst of negotiation. Before the release of official announcement, we think the Official Fanclub “Triple S Japan” will not be enough to support properly so we have plans indicated below for those who are renewing their membership or applying for membership.

【30th June For valid membership members (Membership validity from 30th June 2010 onwards)】Till the official announcement for SS501’s future activties, we will extend 1 month free for all members, those currently with ID (membership no.) will still be able to login with their registered password. There is no need to make any payments during this period.
We will do this extension within a few days and will inform when we have done, please wait patiently.
Please login to the members page after the extension has been completed to check on the exipry date of your membership.
Membership Validity Period : 30th June 2010 → 31st July 2010

【Application of New Membership】
Till the official announcement of SS501’s future activities, we will stop accepting new membership applications.
For those who have made payment for the new application at this point of time, we will extend the validity period accordingly.

【For those membership expiring on 30th April and 31st May (Dormant Period) 】
Till the official announcements of SS501’s future activities, during this dormant period we will stop accepting any payments for renewal.
At the point if the renewal opens, new extension period will be given and if renewal is done during that period, members can continue use their current membership number. (More details will be given once the renewal opens).


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