1st First Love Story Fan Meet - da arrival ~
I know...this is so...so..much late...
For my own record... posting this long overdue account..
So that I can reminisce it later... keke.. It took mi quite a while to pen this down... (^_^;)
As I’m not a good photographer nor am I good with words...
So this may start off boring with too much text..
*Skip if required..^^
First off... this trip was kinda last minute for me..
I have gone ahead to get the fan meeting tix even though I ain’t sure if I could really go...
But someway… somehow.. I managed to settle the airtix and all just 2 weeks before the event and got myself there... ^^
It was supposed to be a relaxing trip of just attending the event and prob shop around Tokyo...
Turns out.. it was so much tiring than I expected... but I was glad to make this trip cuz I made a few friends while I’m there. ^^
Shall start from the day before the event though if you dun wanna get bored.. you can just skip straight to the part on the day of the event.. ^^
(As I’m not sure if my friends like to be named, so I just use alphabets in replace of their names.. sorry if one feel that it’s confusing..)
10/10 (Day before the event)
@Haneda Airport
I had arranged to meet up with my friend M from Taiwan to attend the event together.
There were many assumptions and rumors that most probably he be arriving a day before.
N since it was M’s birthday, had asked her if she would like to head over to the airport to have “a look”.. lol...
She had agreed with me so we arranged to meet at Haneda airport since I have a lunch appointment and she will only be arriving in the afternoon too.
Thought that she will head home to put down her luggage first but I was wrong!
As she was worried not able to make it in time and to save the hassle, she took a bus from Narita and head straight to Haneda instead! (^^ゞ
So she was early and got herself a seat and doze off while waiting....
When I arrived... what a coincident! I found her sitting next to my Japanese friend, E... lol...
When it was time… we got up and stood near the arrival exit to wait....
There were already some fans gathering around forming a pathway out to the door...
We even saw a cameraman standing around so most of us were kind of sure that he will be arriving soon.
N after waiting for around 20mins... we saw the cameraman getting ready... and suddenly he was filming!
All fans got their cams ready...everyone got kinda frantic and started snapping away first...there was camera flash etc...
Then the next min, we saw some Ajussi in suit shaking hands with another one...we have no idea who he was... lol..
N everyone started laughing out loud for the misunderstanding... and some were even deleting the pics from their cams.. XP
As time passed... we conclude that he was not on that flight... (^_^;)
So we proceed to the café and I got to know a few other Japanese fans..^^
They were nice and surprised that my friend and I had travelled over for the event.
After chatting for a while, they were nice to share with us that they just got information that HJ was not seen at Gimpo so he should not be on the next arriving flight either. So while most of the fans were crowding around waiting at the exit, we continued to sit at the café. We even joked about what a joke it would be if HJ were to walk out and we are still sitting and relaxing at the café.. lol..
Again, after some time, we still did not have any news of him being seen at Gimpo. There were even speculations that he might have taken VIP entrance. We decided to wait on since we were had already waited for so long. So when the last flight has arrived and there was still no sight of him, we decided to call it a day. All of us had agreed to meet the following morning at Haneda again.
One of the Japanese fans, S that we had just met had offered to send my friend and I home since her place is kind of near to ours. She even offered to pick us up at a nearby station and drive us to the airport together the next morning! We were very surprised and touched that she was so nice and to think that we had met for a few hours only! (mind you that the car journey to the airport takes more than an hour... )
By the time we reached home, it was past midnight and poor M had spent her birthday at the airport and not seeing HJ at all... (@_@)
N she only had her first meal after midnight…by the time we head to the bed.. it was already 3am..
10/11 – Event Day
@Haneda Airport
After sleeping for around 4 hrs.. I had to drag myself out of the bed and head out to meet up S. When we arrived at Haneda, there were already some fans waiting outside the terminal. Met up with the rest and was told that he had taken ... (sorry.. I forgot which flight it was.. XP) and since there’s still some time, we headed over to the café again to grab a bite while waiting. There were also some other fans sitting inside the café..
Later I was informed by another Japanese friend, Y that HJ is wearing a black hat and brown jacket today.
While I was chatting with Y, suddenly this man walked past the both of us and it was funny that we had the same reaction, a short paused in our conversation before continuing what we were talking about. Then we broke out laughing and started whispering to each other asking if that fella was who we thought he was.
After looking at him for a while, we confirmed that he was HyeonJin, the ex-manager of the boys.. He was sitting with another guy at the café too.
As there were bodyguards/securities in suits standing around asking fans to wait outside the airport, we continued to stay in the café and we conclude that when that ex manager leaves, we will too. ^^
Much later, I supposed we were too busy chatting that we didn’t even realized that he had left... lol..
So we were a bit frantic and scrambled out of the café to wait...
The flight has landed and there were already passengers making their way out. The MIS(Men In Suits..lol..) were still walking around asking fans not to block the pathway etc. M and I had decided to stand at a corner.. where we could see him the moment he walked out from the door.
Ok.. I’m bad in explaining but most people will not be able to see the door where the passengers walked out as there is a board/screen blocking it out....
After walking out from the door.. the passengers still need to walk a lil distance and turn out to their right before everyone can see them.
So both of us were standing there chatting while looking out for him... lol.. I had reminded myself to lookout for someone with a black hat...but it turns out.. he was wearing a beanie and I forgot that the word “hat” in Japanese can be used to refer to that too... (;一_一)
Anyway... we were so engrossed in chatting… and suddenly right in front of my eyes.. I saw this guy in black beanie and sunglasses walking out..
He was happily talking to someone and he had this really nice and natural smile that caught my attention..
Apparently.. he caught M’s attention too.. lol..
For that few seconds.. our minds were blank and suddenly M just got into her sense and told mi that it’s him! (^_^;)
We got excited and others around us have also noticed him. But somehow.. when he turn out and saw the mass number of people.. he had this startled look and the smile was gone.. (@_@)
He just had this expressionless look on his face and then the MIS surrounded him and kinda everyone got crazy and chaotic.. all charging towards him..
There screams, camera flashes, people running, pushing around… n I just stood there watching... lol..
Sorry.. I can’t really bring myself to go squeeze into the crowd or tried to touch him or call out to him or etc..
Just ain't the type so no touchy encounters here... ^^
As I had to avoid the MIS who were trying to block the view and before the fans all swamped up to him...I only managed to take a blur pic when he walked out... Some of you probably have already seen it in some of the regular blogs.. lol.. cuz my friends took it using their mobile on my cam and send it out.. lol..
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Just realised at the opposite side...there were also so many people trying to take his pics.. lol.. |
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Zooming in a lil on the pic...sorry for the blur n bad quality..(ーー;) |
Still a lil dazed with that smile imprinted in my mind... I only remembered looking out for M and then we were heading towards the fan meeting venue.
Later I realized I totally forgot about E till she emailed me asking where I was at the airport...(@_@。
Felt really...really sorry to E... ごめん!
To be continued...