
2010.12.28 KHJ Mobile Site 2010-2011 Message

Source: KHJ Japan Official Mobile Site
Japanese Translation: miyo@lovekimhyunjoong.com

Managed to record the message from the mobile site.
By the time I saw this message, it's already 2011.. lol..
So.. I presumed this message was posted after 27th since I didn't see it then.. (^_^;)

ps: sorry for the shaky vid... (^^ゞ

*Please DO NOT EDIT or RE-UPLOAD the vid, thank you!

Hello, this is Kim Hyun Joong.
In 2010, how was it this year?
I have filmed drama Playful Kiss and
Have participated in Charity event ending my last job for the year.
I’m satisfied with my activities in 2010.
Please spend the remaining of 2010 without any regrets.
Happy New Year
Wishing luck the new year.

(miyo: I'm just translating what was written in the Japanese subtitles.. but from what I have heard.. I dun think Hyun Joong said the last translated sentence but he just repeated saying Happy New Year.. lol.. )


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