
Kim Hyun Joong Signed with KEYEAST

I'm just lazy...
So.. just do with the chinese translation..XP

The official notice from the new management company came out on their website yesterday.

[2010.06.29] 김현중, 키이스트와 전속 계약 체결

차세대 한류스타로 아시아를 넘어 세계 무대로 활약 예고!

- 배용준, 이나영, 최강희, 이보영, 이지아, 박예진 등과 한솥밥
- 키이스트와 손잡고 아시아를 넘어 세계 무대로… 차세대 한류 스타로 부상!
- 무대와 브라운관을 넘나들며 다양한 활동 기대
- 새로운 소속사와 함께 보다 성장하고 발전된 모습으로 팬들 찾아갈 예정

인기 가수 겸 배우 김현중이 아시아 문화콘텐츠 기업 ㈜키이스트와 전속 계약을 체결했다.

김현중은 2005년 SS501의 멤버로 정식 데뷔한 후 아시아 전역에서 꾸준한 인기를 누려온 대표적인 아이돌 스타다. 그 동안 대표적인 한류 스타로 손꼽히며 일본, 대만, 태국, 홍콩 등지에서 폭발적인 인기를 누려왔다.

2009년 초 방영된 KBS 드라마 <꽃보다 남자>에서는 F4 ‘윤지후’ 역을 맡아 연기자로 데뷔 ‘지후 선배 신드롬’을 불러 일으키며 높은 인기를 끌었다. MBC 가상 결혼 버라이어티 <우리 결혼했어요>를 통해서는 소탈하고 인간적인 면모를 선보이며 여성팬들의 사랑을 한 몸에 받았다.

특히 드라마 출연 이후 수 많은 광고와 차기 작품 러브콜을 받는 등 섭외 1순위 연기자로서 손꼽히며 업계 관계자들의 큰 주목을 받아 왔다.

김현중의 새로운 소속사 키이스트는 배용준, 이나영, 최강희, 이보영, 봉태규, 이지아, 박예진, 소이현, 홍수현 등이 소속되어 있으며, 전문적이고 체계적인 매니지먼트 시스템으로 업계에 정평이 나 있다.

키이스트는 많은 노하우를 갖고 있는 일본 내 자회사 DA(디지털 어드벤쳐, 일본 상장 기업)와의 매니지먼트 협력으로 해외 활동에 대한 적극적인 지원을 하는 한편, 아시아 엔터테인먼트 전문 케이블 채널 DATV과 함께 김현중의 다양한 프로모션도 진행할 예정이다.

이번 소속 계약으로 향후 가수, 배우로 활발한 활동을 선보일 김현중은 키이스트와 손을 잡고 아시아를 아우르는 한류 스타로 부상할 수 있는 발판을 마련하게 됐다.

소속사 키이스트 양근환 대표는 “가수 그리고 배우로서의 다양한 가능성을 함께 발전시켜, 더욱 좋은 모습을 보여드리기 위해 새로운 출발을 하게 됐다”며 “그 동안 차세대 한류 스타로 손꼽히던 김현중이 아시아 무대를 넘어 세계적인 엔터테이너로 발전할 수 있도록 더욱 전문적이고 집중적인 지원을 아끼지 않을 예정이다”라고 말했다.

현재 김현중은 최근 발매된 SS501의 앨범 활동을 마치고, 차기 출연 작품을 신중히 검토 중이다.



Chinese Translation:  米修@百度金贤重吧 http://www.hyunbar66.cn/





KEYEAST和具有卓越运筹能力的日本公司DA(digital adventure,日本的上市公司)拥有海外活动的全面管理协议,积极支持在海外的所有活动,另外预计和专门的亚洲娱乐电视台DATV一起合作展开金贤重的各种活动。





Premium Program / Kim Hyun Joong~Just the way he is~

I'm beginning to like this company...
They are efficient in releasing news information.. ^^

source: DATV
Japanese Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

Premium Program / Kim Hyun Joong~Just the way he is~

A close contact program on Kim Hyun Joong's true self! Revealing his charms!!

Broadcasting Date: 27th July 2010
First Telecast: 27th July (Tuesday) 15:00~15:30
Repeat Telecast: 29th July (Thursday) 12:30~13:00
Provider: ©Digital Adventure

Korean popular group SS501's leader, acted in Korean drama "Boys Over Flowers" as F4 member, increasing popularity in Asia, Kim Hyun Joong.
A program closely following his charms starts!
His thoughts on his job and private offshots.
We go deeply into Kim Hyun Joong on being freely and stoically towards life happily, his charms all fully revealed.

Kim Hyun Joong (appearing) others

Kim Hyun Joong leaving SS501, DSP→KEYEAST

A very rough translation on the main gist of the article..
As of this moment, no official announcements has been made on whether he be really leaving SS501 or continuing..

source: newsen
translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

Kim Hyun Joong leaving SS501, DSP→KEYEAST

Singer, actor Kim Hyun Joong has decided to leave SS501

Kim Hyun Joong has become the same family as Korean star Bae Yong Joon. KEYEAST has announced on the 29th that Kim Hyun Joong as signed contract with them.

Hence Kim Hyun Joong will be moving from DSP to KEYEAST which means he will also leave SS501.

Communicated with SS501's management company DSP who claimed that they have not decided whether to continue activities as a group of 4 or to add a new member.

KEYEAST has many experience and have subsidary company in Japan, DA(Digital Adventure) managing overseas activities. Together with asia entertianment cable channel DATV, planning to promote Kim Hyun Joong.


Weather ⇒ Worldcup...

I had intended to get my recordings of my short trip done during the weekend.. but I got occupied with dinners and stuffs that it just got delayed...(^^ゞ

Recently, weather over here has been kinda erratic..
It's still hot and sunny..but the next moment, there be the sudden downpour.

Since young, I love rainy days.. I like how the rain splattered onto the windows and watching the winds swaying the trees..But of cuz, I dislike it when I have to head out and my shoes and pants got wet..

Weird as it seems that the nice rainy weather happened during the morning on weekdays. Which means I can't enjoy it as I have to pull myself out of the bed to head for work. The only time I get to enjoy sleeping till late noon is during the weekends. But apparently weather love to play a joke on me. The sun shine happily during these 2 days...(--〆)

Talking about weather, reminds me of the recent flood over here..
I remembered clearly that very morning, my director was asking if there's flood over here. (director ain't local)
I told him straight that nope! there's no flood here.
But opps.. when it's near to noon.. news of the flood at the town area were splashed over the news..
Here's how it looked like at Orchard Road...

How embarassed I was when I told my director that I was wrong and there's a flood in town.. He was laughing and told another colleague that he was asking me this morning and I told him that there isn't..(ーー;)

N talking about that colleague the director was talking to..Another non-local. Basically my company full of japanese..
Being someone who come from a 4 season country, surprisingly they can't really take the cold from the aircon in the office.
It's a common scene to see them wearing fleece jacket (from uniqlo..lol..) and for the ladies, they even have the fleece blanket on their laps..
This particular one.. gave me a shock the other day...
She was wearing leg warmers.. (@_@)
I only remember wearing leg warmers during the winter season..not in this hot sunny island..lol..
So I decided to ask her...

そんなに寒いなの?(Is it really that cold?)
寒いよ!(It's really cold!)
寒くないよ!レッグウォーマーはちょっとね...(It's not cold at all..wearing the leg warmers is abit...)
いや、必要ですよ!私は日本人から..寒いよ~ miyo は変だよ..日本人ならないよ~(No..it's a must! I'm Japanese so i feel cold. miyo is weird not feeling cold..you won't become a Japanese like this..)
エッ?大丈夫ですよ...日本人になりたくない、ただ日本に住みたいですよ~(^^ゞ (eh? It's alright...I don't wanna become a Japanese, I just want to stay in Japan~)

My colleagues knows how much I loved Japan that somehow they thinks that I wanna become one..(ーー;)
No offense to the Japanese..Anyone who knows me know how much I loved Japan.. lol.. I'm just ok with being who I am. Don't really find the need to change and it's not as if one really could!

I remember this fella from Hong Kong who married a Japanese wife and currently staying in Japan now. He was boasting to me that he has a Japanese passport now and that his kids will be Japanese..
Like how stupid can he be for a guy in thirties to say that...(sorry for being straight...) Even if he has his citizenship changed, his kids will still be HALF Japanese... But he just insisted that I was wrong... (ーー;)
Sorry for being blunt, but i thought such thinking is really dumb...

Anyway, that aside. It's the World Cup season!
I ain't really a love soccer person so I dun really get what's the hype about..lol.. But seems like most around me are into the South Korea team.. (no need to explain why..lol..)
I've watched 2 matches, one at a korean restaurant and one at TCC... 2 different places with 2 completely different atmosphere... ^^
But it was fun watching how those korean salarymen suddenly stood up hugging each other when there's a goal in the middle of the restaurant and the gals wanna scream but dared not at the latter venue.. ^^
Enjoying the litchi flavoured tea and a bottle of heineken...lol.. (weird combi..^^ ) while watching the match..^^


Destination - Japan Special Edition Sales Info

Source: DSP Japan
Japanese Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

Sales of SS501 new album 『Destination』- Japan Special Edition

Releasing of SS501 new album『Destination』- Japan Special Edition.

In June, the limited special edition with Photo booklet included was released in Korea. For the Japan edition, there will be more premiums included.

『Destination』Japan Special Edition
Sales Date: 18th August 2010, Wednesday
Item No: POCS-22007
Price: 4,500yen (tax inclusive)

【Song List】
1.LET ME BE THE ONE (それは僕..)
5.LET ME BE THE ONE (それは僕..) Acoustic Ver.
6.LOVE YA (Inst.)

【Premium for Japan Special Edition (Japan Only)】
・Special DVD
 1)「LOVE YA」 Promotion Video Clip
 2)「LET ME BE THE ONE」 Promotion Video Clip
  (Mainly footage of Promotional Activities during「LOVE YA」made into PV)
・Stamp like stickers (※It is not a real stamp, not usable)
・Japanese Translation

In addition, reservation orders at SS501 Official site for the album will received postcard set (2 pieces) as a premium.
Further details will be announced later.

1st Premium DVD & Photo Book - Updates

Further updates of information provided by the staff in charge.

Credits: 2kiko @twitter
Japanese Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

① Buying the DVD from anywhere will allow us to login to the members page?
Ans: Only purchasing from http://www.kim-hyunjoong.com and the tour will have the 8 numbers code.

② For those who have joined the tour (DVD is included), if they would like to ballot for the Fan Meeting, do they have to purchase another DVD?
Ans: Yes, you will need to buy another DVD to be eligible to ballot for the Fan Meeting tickets.

③ Is it possible to announce the winners of the Fan Meeting tickets a month beforehand? As some will have to arrange for transport etc.
Ans: The announcement is scheduled to be announced in mid September.

I have made enquries on the postage and the payment method.
Currently there's only information on the postage.
DVD & Photo Book : 12,000yen
Postage to Singapore: 1,800yen (I've only enquired for postage to Singapore (^^ゞ)

By the way, consolidate orders are possible, where postage and remittance fees etc can be shared among.

For those who are interested, please email your particulars to info@kim-hyunjoong.com :
Telephone No:


Kim Hyun Joong 1st Premuim DVD & Photo Book

Credits: kim-hyunjoong.com
Japanese Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

Kim Hyun Joong 1st Premuim DVD & Photo Book

Price: 12000yen (tax inclusive) + 600yen (postage)
Reservation Order Starts from 23rd June 12pm~

1) DVD【disc1】Overseas Location
2) DVD 【disc2】Japan, Interview
3) Photo Book 100page 1 booklet
4) Photo Book 30 page 1 booklet
5) First Limited Press Special BOX
※There might be last min changes to the First Limited Press Special Items
※Subtitles : Japanese・English

Credits: kj-net + kim-hyunjoong.com
Japanese Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

Visiting Film set Tour Info

Date: 19th(Thursday) ~ 20th August (Friday) 1 night 2 days
Price: 69,800 yen tax inclusive + 800yen (postage) ※450 pax
- Present Inclusive

<Price Inclusive of>
1 night 2 days stay
2 meals inclusive(4~6person per room) + DVD First Press Limited Edition (To be released in late October)

There will be a surprise planned for the DVD Location Filming tour.

Fan Meeting Info

Date/Time: 11th October 2010 (Public Holiday, Monday) Afternoon and Night Performance
Venue: JCB Hall
Price: 8,600yen (Special Price for those who bought the DVD)
Contents: Talk on the fliming secrets, unreleased footage, songs, games etc.


Love Ya, Kim Hyun Joong HIGH CUT Vol.31

Source: highcut.co.kr

Korean Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

Love Ya, Kim Hyun Joong HIGH CUT Vol.31

LOVE Ya, 4 pages of Kim Hyun Joong attending the Cartier LOVE DAY event.

Kim Hyun Joong the first to arrive at the venue. Captures of him dressed in a smart black suit alighting from the van.
Facing numerous media and fans with his approaching smile.

PM 4:50
Kim Hyun Joong the first to arrive at the venue. Captures of him dressed in a smart black suit alighting from the van.
Facing numerous media and fans with his approaching smile.
On his left wrist, he is wearing Pasha Sea Timer watch by Cartier.



Finally the long awaited dvd that most has been yearning for...^^

Source: HMV Japan
Japanese Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com


Releasing Date: 27th August 2010
Price: 6,090 yen
HMV Online Price: 4,811 yen
Amazon Online Price: 4,507 yen

On 28th February 2010 at Seoul Olympic Stadium, SS501 Encore Live Fully Recorded!

Scenes of members tearing while watching footage of presents from fans revealed!!

Upgraded solo stage of each member preparing for only the ENCORE CONCERT, songs from their new album 「REBIRTH」were also presented!!!

In addition, you can enjoy watching only your favourite member during SS501’s performance, multi-angles for 2 songs recorded!!

■ DVD 2 piece set + Inclusive of mini photobook Box set
■ Colour
■ Subtitles: Japanese・Korean
■ Region Code: ALL
■ Screen Size 16:9
■ Dolby Digital(5.1ch&2ch)
■ 1 layer
■ Disc 2 piece set(around 150mins)

Production: SBS Contents Hub & DSP Media
Sales: Contents base/Medianet Pictures

【DVD2 piece set】


MBC Dvd Collection Deluxe Edition

Last year Japan first released the MBC Dvd Collection and as there was only limited sets, it was sold out before even it was released.
Thereafter Korea released with the english subtitled version.
Now they decided to add one more dvd to the same set...

Source: HMV Japan
Japanese Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong.com

MBC Dvd Collection Deluxe Edition

Sales Date: 4th August 2010
Price: 8,800 yen
HMV special price: 6,952 yen
Amazon special price: 6,512 yen

Full of popular idol group SS501 rare footage!
We decide to have the 4 piece DVD set
Leader Hyun Joong who has acted in Korean version 「Boys Over Flowers」, even now is very popular in Korea!

● Limited Edition/ Gorgeous BOX set

● Japanese subtitles/DVD 4 piece set/ around 112P of photobook included

【DVD Contents】
Disc1 : SS501’s MBC broadcasted history documentary (From SS501’s debut to recent tv appearance footage. History documentary divided by theme/ narration included reminiscing member’s interview/ Footage of fan’s selection of MBC program attended by SS501 included)

Disc2: SS501’s performance footage (SS501 hit songs and live footage, footage mainly from music shows)

Disc3: Footage taken at Thailand (Closely filmed for 4 days 5 nights Thailand trip footage, fan meeting venue sketch, each members’ interview, the boy’s room footage revealed by pen camera etc.)

Disc4: Kota Kinabalu’s photo taking footage (※from makers info)

Note: This is for sale in Japan and there's no english subtitles.
On one of the site, indicated that it's limited to 3000 set while the other sites did not mention about it.

(Chinese Translation)
出處:HMV Japan

MBC Dvd Collection Deluxe Edition

發賣日: 2010年 8月4日
原價: 8,800 日幣
HMV 網上訂購特別價: 6,952日幣
Amazon Japan 網上訂購特別價: 6,512日幣


●限定生産商品/豪華BOX 套裝
●日本語字幕/DVD4枚組/內附 約112P写真書




Disc4 : 在馬來西亞, 亞庇拍攝寫真的映像(※廠商的資料告知)


Officially Moved In~

I have intended to so call "officially moved in" on this very special day..

N i totally forgot about it.. lol..

It was a typical sunday which is my "sleep in" day.

Sleeping has been my hobby and I enjoyed the feeling of being able to sleep the whole day without having to wake up and head out to work..^^

So almost half the day was gone and it was only until late evening when I suddenly recalled that I have something not done.. (I always have a short/bad memory...(^^ゞ )

On this very day...

A str was born...

Thanx to this str, he had open up a new different world for me.
Brought me new friends and got me into learning a language which i never thought I would learn..^^

Wishes from thousands of fans all over the world would be sent and so here's a simple one from mi...

A Happy Birthday!!
생일 축하합니다!

ps: alright.. i confessed that this was posted after the 6th.. lol..
but i managed to get the post dated on the 6th.. XD

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