
Officially Moved In~

I have intended to so call "officially moved in" on this very special day..

N i totally forgot about it.. lol..

It was a typical sunday which is my "sleep in" day.

Sleeping has been my hobby and I enjoyed the feeling of being able to sleep the whole day without having to wake up and head out to work..^^

So almost half the day was gone and it was only until late evening when I suddenly recalled that I have something not done.. (I always have a short/bad memory...(^^ゞ )

On this very day...

A str was born...

Thanx to this str, he had open up a new different world for me.
Brought me new friends and got me into learning a language which i never thought I would learn..^^

Wishes from thousands of fans all over the world would be sent and so here's a simple one from mi...

A Happy Birthday!!
생일 축하합니다!

ps: alright.. i confessed that this was posted after the 6th.. lol..
but i managed to get the post dated on the 6th.. XD


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